Low-load Heating and Cooling from Caleffi

PR Caleffi Excellence

Intent on designing a hypo-allergenic, low-load heating and cooling system for a 3,500 sq. ft. bungalow results not only in a satisfied customer, but a monthly Caleffi Excellence winning installation.

Patrick Driscoll of Ironclad Mechanical Plumbing & Heating Inc. (Edmonton, Alta.) used TwistFlow™ radiant manifolds and manifold mixing stations to distribute heat evenly to seven radiant zones servicing the home, garage, patio and indirect water heater. Driscoll entered his efficient radiant design into the Excellence contest.

As determined by most audience votes received during a recently held Coffee with Caleffi™ webinar, Driscoll has been awarded with the monthly winning entry and will be presented with an iPad™ mini. He is now a contender for the grand prize: a trip to our global headquarters in Italy. After 12 months, the grand prize winner will be chosen from the 12 monthly winners by a panel of industry experts and Caleffi executives. If you’d like to share your design innovation, visit us.caleffiexcellence.com for contest details. 

Pictured (l-r): Stephen Sawatsky (Mechanical Systems 2000) and Patrick Driscoll (Ironclad Mechanical)

CALEFFI – Creating innovative, superior performance products that help customers live comfortably and economically, while softening their impact on the environment. For more information, visit Caleffi’s Web site at www.caleffi.com, email, or call (414) 238-2360.


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