Consolidated Plumbing & Heating, Inc.
57 Sprague St, Dedham, MA 02026
Contact: Mitch Shair
Phone: (781) 444-2508
We specialize in the detailed evaluation of existing heating systems Steam, Forced Hot Water and Hydro air; problem diagnosis of poor installations, detection of faulty equipment and the repair or replacement. Working predominantly on Cast Iron atmospheric equipment.
We offer consultation and specification for custom design-build installations of new heating systems; along with service and repair on existing hot water and steam heating systems, with an emphasis on gas-fired equipment.
We primarily work in Needham, Newton, Wellesley and surrounding towns. Due to the amount of time spent evaluating a system, developing the solution and educating the homeowner of our findings. Site time performing the evaluation is billable and may be credited to the accepted proposal.
Troubleshooting hydronic (water) based system Steam, Forced Hot Water, Hydro air, renovation and replacement. Mostly we work on Cast Iron atmospheric equipment but will also service the 'Ninety plus' systems outside of the combustion component. Send an E-mail with a couple of applicable photographs to [email protected] along with your address and contact information.

Case Study
West Newton
A large Victorian with an existing boiler that was too small and on its last legs. The chimney was also failing and there was a heating zone that didn't have sufficient baseboard radiation to keep the family warm and another zone that was prone to freezing during the really cold days. To make things worse, the system wasn't able to produce enough domestic hot water during the depth of winter and there is nothing worse than a cold shower in a chilly house. Since the foundation was below grade, we were restricted on the type of power venting equipment that we could use (we fully understand and follow all of the codes for your safety).
We installed what\'s known as a modulating-condensing boiler with an indirect storage tank for the domestic hot water. A modulating-condensing boiler (or mod-con, for short) tracks the weather and burns only the exact amount of fuel on any given day, and it does this so efficiently that it releases only cool vapors, so it needs no chimney. The vapors condense and flow safely to a drain. It takes up less space and saves lots of money. The indirect tank for the domestic hot water is like a Thermos bottle. It stores all the water the family needs and also saves a lot of money because an indirect tank doesn't need a chimney either.
The mod-con we selected was from Weil-McLain, an American company that\'s been in business for over 100 years and has recently introduced the Ultra 310 - a world-class appliance. The Ultra burns clean natural gas, Weil-McLain also makes the indirect water heater that we chose to use. We used all of the other proper system accessories, of course, making certain that everything worked well together, and then we tucked it all into a place near the side of the house where it wouldn't be in the way. And we installed a small heat exchanger so that we could use antifreeze within the portions of the system that were prone to freezing. We also removed the undersized baseboard radiation in the dining room and the living room and replaced these with cast-iron, free-standing radiators that better suited the feel of the house. When we were done, our client was delighted. We solved all of the problems and brought the job in on budget and on time. That\'s what a professional does. We\'d welcome the opportunity to solve your problems. We do charge for the engineering that we must do to come up with the innovative solutions that we\'ll propose, but that\'s in your best interest because you\'ll be getting a system that fits your home like a glove and doesn't waste fuel (who can afford to waste fuel nowadays?). Our approach is better than that of someone who is liable to guess at the equipment and then oversize (or worse, undersize) everything just to get the job. You'll pay for that shoddy engineering every day of the year, and chances are the installer will be long gone. We think this is the best way of doing business, and we hope you agree. It gives us more time to spend with people who truly want to solve their comfort problems while saving a lot of money on fuel. Call Consolidated Plumbing and Heating at 781-444-2508 and we'll get started today.