Way back in 1978, I (Larry) installed my first solar water heating system. I continued with solar thermal, installing new domestic hot water (DHW), space, and pool heatin...
What is the difference between solar thermal and solar photovoltaic (PV)? What types of controls can be used for a solar system? How do you heat a swimming pool with solar? You'll find answers to these questions and more in this section on solar.
Way back in 1978, I (Larry) installed my first solar water heating system. I continued with solar thermal, installing new domestic hot water (DHW), space, and pool heatin...
In response to a person on the Wall who asked, "Can I add antifreeze to my heating system?" Brad White replies: Antifreeze is commonly done but like anything else, you ha...
Q: What is the difference between solar thermal and solar photovoltaic (PV)? A: Solar thermal panels heat water. Photovoltaic panels convert sunlight to electricity.
Here is an interesting story for you. Jessica Baldwin told me about the reclamation of these old solar panels. Nothing stands in this woman's way.
Here's another interesting thread that appeared on the Wall. Wayco Wayne asks: Where do you draw the line between the two types of solar collectors? How do you decide whi...
This is an interesting thread that appeared on the Wall NRT.Rob asks: What are you guys using for tanks, specifically, if you are trying to do drainback solar WITHOUT pum...
In recent years, solar panels have improved to the point that the technology is now available to consumers at more-affordable prices and with improved levels of efficienc...