Kenneth F. Ciesla Plumbing
57 Strong St, Wallington, NJ 07057
Contact: Kenneth F Ciesla
Phone: (732) 277-1784
If you're looking to restore your existing steam system to it's prior glory, we can help. The trouble is, steam heating systems were designed to run on coal not gas or oil. This fundamental difference in addition to other factors are why steam heating systems are plagued with issues today. With proper adjustments and updates, you can enjoy your steam heating system like it was meant to.
- Plumbing
- Hydronic heating
- Solar thermal

Case Study
1908 steam
The issues that plagued this steam system was disturbingly loud water hammer in the middle of the night, radiators not getting hot, some radiators leaking and last but not least, the automatic feeder was is adding an excessive amount of water to the system.
A complete assessment of the steam heating system was performed. From there, we gave our recommendations that would allow the steam to operate in its proper way. At first the homeowner was apprehensive to do get any of the work done. They expressed that this was due to the idea that getting their heat fixed was not a tangible expense.
There were many options given to the homeowner. We started with the basics. A complete boiler re-piping was performed. A comprehensive boiler cleaning was done. The addition of air vents completed the job. The next morning the homeowner sent us a text message reading the following; {Ken, did not want to call this early in the morning but: 1. No water hammer 2. Heating is muuuuch better, house is noticeably warmer at the same thermostat setting and much more comfortable 3. As of this morning the water feeder still measured the same 141 gallons! 4. The broomell valve in the hallway stopped hissing and leaking even when the heat was on. 5. Laura was super happy the heat worked in the bathroom So far so good!!! Thank you again for all of your thought and hard work on this} As you can see clearly the homeowner realized that quiet and comfort was indeed a tangible expense. I thanked them for the opportunity.