ALL STAR Search in the #CaleffiClassic Contest

caleffi classic

Take me out to the ball game. Caleffi North America is rallying the LinkedIn, Facebook and Instagram playing fields in the search for industry ALL STARS. Beginning Thursday, July 23, 2020 through Wednesday, Sept. 23, nine ALL STARS will be selected from each of the social media platforms during the #CaleffiClassic contest. Each Thursday the tryout criteria for the position will be announced on the various platforms in order to select the ALL STAR player. Our official Ask Caleffi Umps will determine an ALL STAR for each position and will announce the winners by the following Wednesday by 12 noon CDT.

Each ALL STAR receives an official #CaleffiClassic T-shirt and baseball cap. Join us in the excitement and camaraderie of the competition by visiting our social media feeds in support of these fine contenders!

For more information and official contest rules, please visit our website at

CALEFFI – Creating innovative, superior performance products that help customers live comfortably and economically, while softening their impact on the environment.


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