Coffee with Caleffi™: Modern Pipe Connection Methods

cody mack caleffi

Still sweating copper? Does the skilled labor shortage have you scrambling? Let’s talk time-saving alternatives to the familiar torch and solder to help optimize labor time. Learn how to Lose the Torch with Modern Pipe Connection Methods at the next Coffee with Caleffi™ webinar on Thursday, March 21 at 12 noon CDT. Cody Mack, Caleffi training and education manager, will discuss a variety of piping and connection types to help you get a quality job done.

Mack has nearly 20 years’ experience as installation contractor, service technician, application engineer and most recently training manager for Caleffi. He pounds the pavement educating Boomers, Gen-X’ers, Millennials and beyond. When not on the road he’s often in the Caleffi lab, experimenting with product design solutions. A family man, gear-head and motorcycle-enthusiast, our audience will appreciate his thoughtful delivery and common sense product approach.

The one-hour educational webinars are free and are intended for contractors, designers and wholesalers. A Certificate of Attendance is emailed to attendees following the event for continuing education audits. Please visit our website at for schedule details and registration.


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