Coffee with Caleffi™: Rohr Revisits Solar Thermal

Rohr Coffee with Caleffi

Bob “Hot Rod” Rohr, Caleffi training and education manager, takes a fresh look at solar thermal systems, revisiting the latest in step-by-step system design so that the audience can be certain of a top-notch system on Thursday, Aug. 25 at 12 noon CDT during the monthly webinar series, Coffee with Caleffi™. Rohr will uncover sweet-spot jobs and opportunities, as well as refresh the audience with the latest incentive programs.

For over 30 years, Rohr has installed plumbing, radiant heat and renewable energy jobs. As a regular contributor for several industry publications, he puts his rubber-to-the-road experiences to pen. He is sure to delight the audience with his expertise and quick wit.

The one-hour educational webinars are free and are intended for contractors, designers and wholesalers. Please visit our website at for schedule details and registration.


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