Coffee with Caleffi™: Zoning with Pumps and Valves

coffeewithcaleffi zoning

Which is better for zone control in hydronic heating systems: a pump or a zone valve? At the next Coffee with Caleffi™ webinar on Thursday, Nov. 16 at 12 noon CST, Cody Mack, Caleffi applications engineer, joins Bob “Hot Rod” Rohr, our training and education manager, to showcase a number of system designs that utilize either zone valves, pumps or a combination of both. They will discuss wiring schemes and control concepts that deliver optimal zone control that result in a quality system and a happy customer.

A familiar and favorite speaker to the webinar series, Hot Rod is sure to delight the audience with his expertise and quick wit. He travels from sea-to-sea, sharing his 30+ years’ of experience as a plumbing, radiant heat and renewable energy contractor.

Mack applies his 10 years’ of field support experience assisting in product design and helping our technical support team provide top-notch service. He’s heard about it, troubleshot and solved real-time field perplexities. Our audience will appreciate his thoughtful delivery and product insight.

The one-hour educational webinars are always free and are intended for contractors, designers and wholesalers. A Certificate of Attendance is emailed to all attendees following the event for continuing education audits. Please visit our website at for schedule details and registration.


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