Support Women in Energy

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Join Today - Special Rates Available Through December!
Welcoming New Corporate Members & Sponsors

The Women in Energy Association exists to develop best practices and provide resources to women in the energy industry. This passionate and capable group has hosted a number of events to connect and energize women in the energy industry, and is inviting companies and individuals to support and join this exciting and growing group.

Welcoming New Corporate Members & Sponsors at Special Rates!

Join Women in Energy now and save! Corporate Members that join by the end of the year get the special pricing of $250 before it increases to the 2018 rate. Corporate membership provides your company with access to all Women in Energy networking and educational events, and monthly email news.

In addition, Corporate Sponsorships are available at $500 and entitle companies to a Corporate Membership, plus a banner ad for 6 months on the organization’s website, e-mail marketing, as well as corporate directory listing. Contact us if you are interested in signing up or learning more.


The Slate of Officers for the group was recently accepted for the coming year, they are as follows: President: Roberta Fagan, Oilheat Research Institute of RI; V.P: Erin Holohan Haskell,; Secretary: Beth Tocco, H.B. McClure; Treasurer: Marjorie Feinman, Fuel Merchants Association of New Jersey; and Executive Director: Judy Garber.


In addition, Committees are formed and growing, they include: Membership Chair: Michelle Wilson, Consumer Focus; Marketing Committee: Aubrey Bauman Kreider, AMERIgreen Energy, Erin Holohan Haskell and Beth Tocco; Education/Program Committee: Justine Falletta, Powderhorn Agency, Amy Daveler, Worley & Obetz, and Julie Valvo, Wilcox Energy; Fundraising/Capital Campaign Committee: Judy Garber, Roberta Fagan, Michelle Wilson and Kristin Capone, Star Group.


The group hosted a successful Lunch & Learn in Hershey, PA that featured a panel of women leaders entitled “Women in Energy: Leading and Succeeding”. Another Lunch & Learn program is being planned for Rhode Island in January. Stay tuned for more information. Contact us if you are interested in attending or learning more.


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