Heating Museum → Radiators Help Topics

Take a stroll through HVAC history in our Heating Museum. This section of our website preserves history and answers that so-important question: What the heck is that thing? Whenever you run across anything unusual, chances are you’ll find the old literature about it right here.

Recent Articles in Heating Museum → Radiators

Heating the Henry Ford Museum

The Henry Ford Museum in Dearborn, MI has an interesting hot-water heating system. Take a look at the radiators below. They are from the Shaw-Perkins Manufacturing Compan...

Published on 03/07/2025 2:09 PM
Posted in Heating Museum
Jarecki Radiators (1890)

Here are ratings for the Erie radiator from Jarecki Mfg Co Ltd. They were based in Erie, PA and their radiators appeared in issues of Domestic Engineering in the 1890s. 


Published on 04/22/2024 4:07 PM
Posted in Heating Museum
A History of the Radiator

Brian Roberts & Paul Yunnie compiled this document that contains beautiful vintage advertisements and illustrations of radiators from the mid to late 1800s and early 1900...

Published on 02/07/2024 2:34 PM by Brian Roberts & Paul Yunnie
Posted in Heating Museum
NIRA Window Seat Radiator (1916)

This excerpt about the NIRA Window Seat Radiator for Steam and Hot Water Heating is from Facts for Fitters, a 1916 catalog from The Hunting Co.

Thank you to Frank "Steam...

Published on 02/20/2021 1:45 PM
Posted in Heating Museum
Arco Window Radiators (1922)

Here is an excerpt from the 1920 and 1922 Ideal Fitter books from American Radiator Company about their Arco Window Radiators.

Thank you to Frank "Steamhead" Wilsey of A...

Published on 02/14/2021 12:51 PM
Posted in Heating Museum