This all-technical, three-hour seminar will make you familiar with the many types of old steam heating systems and what goes wrong with them. Dan Holohan’s easy-to-follow...
Steam Heating → Seminars Help Topics
This section is your comprehensive guide on steam heating systems with articles about proper steam piping, boilers, pressure, venting, radiators, water quality, and more. We'll also walk you through troubleshooting steam system problems like noisy pipes.
Recent Articles in Steam Heating → Seminars
This video is a recording of Dan Holohan's popular seminar Radiators and Pandemics: A Curious Marriage. It was hosted by The General Society of Mechanics & Tradesmen on M...
In this webinar, hosted by The General Society of Mechanics & Tradesmen on November 10, 2020. Steam heating expert Dan Holohan describes how steam heating is supposed to ...
During this entertaining and informative one-hour webinar, you will be a famous detective uncovering clues about boiler operation, efficiency, and safety. Industry expert...
Steam heating continues to be a vital and cost-effective way of providing heat and hot water to many of New York City's older buildings, and a core part of the infrastruc...

Dan Holohan speaks about the history and evolution of steam heating and its impact on New York City at The General Society of Mechanics and Tradesmen.
Dan Holohan presents his Lost Art of Steam Heating seminar to The General Society of Mechanics and Tradesmen of the City of New York.