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National Heating Guide Bluebook of the Industry (1930)
Thanks to Jim Gaynor, P.E. of JSA Architects in Pittsburgh for finding, scanning and sharing this remarkable guide.
National Heating Guide Bluebook of the Industry, 1930, is an index of National Radiator Corporation's products. It includes:
- National Bonded Boilers
- National Radiation
- National Heating Accessories
- National Engineering Data
The focus is placed on National "Made-to-Measure" Heating Systems, which the company called "A New Force in the Selling of Heating Equipment." In this bluebook, they say:
The National Radiator Corporation realizes that the time has arrived when the heating trade is ready for a far reaching merchandising idea, which will allow its members to sell a Heating System, rather than boilers, pipes, and radiators.
The time has arrived, in short, to sell National "Made-to-Measure" Heating Systems, scientifically designed to supply the latest and best in heating results.
National is the first to introduce such an unusual and original idea in the art of merchandising Heating Equipment. It is an idea that properly places the stress on results rather than on causes, and folks today are primarily interested in results.
With the National "Made-to-Measure" Heating Systems was born an entirely new conception of what home heating can mean in health and happiness. Not only do these systems bring economy, dependability, convenience, and protection, but they provide warmth to fit each individual room.
Back of this idea is scientific engineering data, prepared especially for National, by eminent heating authorities. These data eliminate many complicated calculations and facilitate quick and accurate determination of correct radiation, boiler and other heating equipment requirements for the heating contractor. The installation operations of the heating contractor are further simplified by the convenient form in which the data are presented.
This revolutionary, new National "Made-to-Measure" idea so advances the science of modern heating that it is destined to open new fields of interest, and become a mighty force in the new-day methods of merchandising heating equipment.
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